Total Wellbeing Coaching

The Total Wellbeing coaching program is a 10-week thought provoking process that inspires individuals to evaluate their life and find their own strategies to maximize their personal potential in all aspects of their life. Individuals are guided to identify and align with their unique purpose, focus on personal and career intentions, and overcome limiting beliefs and shadow emotions. The Total Wellbeing coaching program is a mind-body-spirit approach to coaching based on positive psychology and neuroscience.

“Sandy’s insight and talent for conveying ideas left me understanding the “what”, “why”, and “how” of myself and situations in a way that I made deeper connections resulting in lasting changes.” Click here to see more.

Meditation and Breathwork

Professional athletes, Navy Seals, CEOs, artists, and other high-performing individuals use meditation and breathwork to help manage stress, increase productivity, and spark creativity. We lead group and individual coaching and training programs on mediation and breathwork and work with clients to track the positive benefits individually or within an organization.  Additionally, we provide training on an advanced meditation technique called Primordial Sound Meditation.

For information about our Chopra Primordial Sound Meditation workshop, click here.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Wellness Trainings

Practiced for thousands of years to support greater health and wellness, Ayurveda is an ancient science of self-healing that is simple and practical. Modern scientific research validates Ayurvedic principles as supporting and benefiting the recognized pillars of health, including movement/exercise, sleep, nutrition, emotional regulation, and positive social connections.

Live Well Lead Better provides customized training workshops and coaching programs to individuals and organizations, including the following:

  • Ayurvedic nutrition based on mind-body types
  • Mindful practices for wellbeing
  • Emotional intelligence and conscious communication
  • Understanding unique mind-body types for maximum health
  • Ayurvedic nutrition and mindful eating
  • Stress-relief strategies for the modern worker
  • Emotional intelligence and positive relationships
  • Conscious Communication
  • Chronotypes and time habits impact on health and productivity

For information about our Chopra Perfect Health workshop, click here.

Yoga Workshops and Classes

Yoga is a sister science to Ayurveda. Often misunderstood as exercise that you do at a gym, yoga is much more. Yoga has eight philosophical limbs. These philosophies include movement, meditation, breathwork, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence.

We offer specialized yoga workshops, trainings, and private yoga classes, including an 8-week yoga program that helps individuals establish mindsets and practices to support their own personal definitions of success and wellbeing.

“Success in life could be defined as the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals.”

         -Dr. Deepak Chopra

         Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

For information about our Chopra Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, click here.

    Workplace Wellness

    Our extensive experience in employee relations, leadership development, executive coaching, and health and wellness provides organizations unique perspectives and informed allies for evaluating and implementing workplace wellness strategies that can improve morale, retention, and productivity.